Tue, 25 Apr 2023 23:31:30 -0500 "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> :
On 4/23/23 13:50, bent fender wrote:
Sorry if this is a bit unthreaded, I've since deleted the earlier messages in this thread.
I was being launched into GNOME, which I figured was a totally unacceptable direction for KDE to take. KDE as well as XFCE were also installed and I had selected a KDE desktop but went direct into GNOME regardless and there was NO desktop selection with the log-in.
So, reinstalled the beta but this time without GNOME (just in case) and with a boot to init 3 only. Everything is cool, I will stay with an init 3 boot from now on.
Display manager selection is now done by the "alternatives" scheme, for your display manager, you can set:
# update-alternatives --set default-displaymanager /path/to/the/dm/you/want
To see what is available:
$ update-alternatives --list default-displaymanager
Oh I wasn't complaining. First of all I didn't realize what desktop I was being herded into because I never use gnome (I think I saw that paging-style horror only once in my life. I nearly died seeing it and thinking that IT had become the new KDE! Remembering that I had distinctly set "KDE Desktop" during the install ritual, I reinstalled but this time avoided swampy ground by "opting" for an init 3 boot. After logging it as root I just did "systemctl isolate graphic.target" and I was done. Now I want to _stay_ in this mode because I don't like the very idea of DM's for logging-in, ideally I'd like the Slackeware approach where one logs in and then starts either some preset X or some DM whose role by then is only to start one desktop or another.