If you can ping anywhere using ip's only?----> then it sounds like you have a DNS problem. Make sure you have your nameservers setup in /etc/resolv.conf, and /etc/host.conf has something in it like hosts, bind If you can only ping the first ip hop out, I don't know. Steve. keep us posted on your resolution. :-) ------------------------------------ Steve Pauly (281) 496-8041 Global Marine Drilling Co. stevep@linux-shell.net steve.pauly@glm.com gmdcman@mindspring.com On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, lunaslide wrote:
At 09:45 AM 12/1/98 +0100, you wrote:
my apologies in advance if this sounds really dumb...
I have tried to setup my ISP connection and get the modem to dial (kdd) and connect to the ISP. Then things stop with the message: " pppd deamon died unexpectedly...". Any hints as to where to look and what might be the cause??
I too am having a problem with getting a ppp connection up. As to your problem, check the help file that comes with the kppp app. There should be help button right on the interface which will bring up HTML. There's a section that describes what might be wrong when this message pops up.
My problem, I fear, is more complex. I have version 5.3 and am using kppp to try to get the connection up. Without posting all my /etc files, I'll briefly explain the dilema.
The modem is a 3Com Impact IQ ISDN terminal adapter connected on ttyS1. The modem init string and dial commands are all correct. I get a connect and the ppp interface is started. But after that, I can only ping the remote address and none beyond that. ifconfig states that ppp0 is active and route states that ppp0 is the default route. The normal network configs floating around do not work with my system because the machine is also connected to an ethernet.
Please HELP! This is the only thing keeping me from switching from NT as my full-time OS (something I wish to do VERY much).
lunaslide * PGP key->pgpkeys.mit.edu port 11371 * * * * * * * ...the really profound changes in human life all have their ultimate origin in knowledge pursued for its own sake. * * * * * -Alfred North Whitehead * * * * * * * *
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