On 06/07/2020 16.09, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Knurpht-openSUSE <knurpht@opensuse.org> [07-06-20 08:14]:
Op maandag 6 juli 2020 14:05:09 CEST schreef Patrick Shanahan:
zypper patch zypper up zypper dup --from Packman --allow-vendor-change
so where did you decide that "zypper dup ... " was necessary or required?
you should not utilize "zypper dup" for Leap. Please read first. One should use 'dup' in this occasion. The 'dup --from ....." is necessary to make the vendor change for the Packman repo. Exactly what the "Switch system packages ...." item in YaST does.
he has *already* done the "zypper dup", no reason to continue as indicated. *Please* *read* *first*.
I have not argued that the "dup --from *repo*" was not necessary but the "--allow-vendor-change" is not necessary as the repo has been *specified*. Please read first, as you have indicated.
There is a bug in 15.1 at least, where zypper or yast will ask when you do the dup to decide for every single package if you want to switch repo, which is obvious we do want to. Thus the extra "--allow-vendor-change". I do not know if the problem has been corrected in 15.2. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)