28 Aug
28 Aug
OK, i still have no idear why it was working 5 minutes before the second change on a second system, but: this home repo has a directory: /repo inside this is a file repoindex.xml inside this file are all the unwanted repos which where installed at my system. copiing the file /etc/zypp/repos.d/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 260 28. Aug 19:17 openSUSE_Tumbleweed-home-Herbster0815-androidstudio.repo from one of my systems to the other, gaves me a "normal" repo and is working fine. again, it must have had something to do with a update at the server that one system has found the "normal" data, and the other a couple of minutes later only the links to "what ever i do not need". ... home repos .... simoN -- www.becherer.de