On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 23:30:24 +0300 "emir limar" <emirlimar@lycos.com> wrote: [snip] |> John |Hey John, |Do you know who am i? Do you know how i use this computer. Do you know i met the compuer just 6 years ago at the college. And this is my first computer and without knowing anything except as an an user i installed Suse 7.0 Pro by my self after a month i bought this computer. Partitioning, installing, configuring linmodem, and so on so forth. |And accusing people playing games wurfing porn pages. |Let me tell you one more thing In this six years you cannot find sixty hours of playing on my part. I don't know if you are doing the things you mentioned but i don't. |Next time be more careful befor stamping the people you don't know. |On the other hand, i just decided to try another flavor. |What am i gone lose. Some time and another 40 bucks. Is it too much for a Red Hat set? I bought 3 times Suse and i tried and enjoyed and now it is time to see an other Flavor.How many flavor did you tried befor Suse? | |What is wrong by just trying? | |Finally, keep an earing this for yourself: Two things makes perfect; 1st trial and error 2nd Practice makes perfect there is a third one but it is for those who able to get a lesson from thier MISTAKES. |emin [snip] I have been using computers since 1987, I use CPM, DOS, Xenix, Windows (all), Mac OS, Solaris, AIX, in Linux I use Slack, Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, Corel and since 7.2 SuSE. Then, I NEVER, in any platform I use receive any kind of support from vendor, just try ask M$ for free support, or even Sun or IBM, maybe if you plan to waste > 50K U$S a year in support IBM perhaps will assist you, just in the basics. It's a excellent idea you try Red Hat, and also try their support, for free of course :D , Debian perhaps gives what you are looking for, but then you have NO official support at all. SuSE documentation is one of the bests I saw since Bull manuals, of course it can be better, (much better in build SuSE rpms) but it's pretty good for the money it cost. Well, it's just my opinion. -- Jorge D. Buchmann | jbuchmann@intraredes.com | intraRedes S.R.L. | http://www.intraredes.com