Wow I gotta say setting up sound under SuSE11.2, KDE4.4.1 for my media center has NOT been fun! Some thought needs to be given to a better organization of the tools, setups, and initialization IMHO!.... I have a Creative Labs Audigy 4 Pro sound card. Upon installing SuSE11.2 I had no sound. I tried to follow the procedures in the SuSE online help wiki for tracking down the sound problem and that turned out to be a big red herring of trying to find missing codecs.. None were missing. So I went back to YaST, tried to remove and reinstall the sound device and still no joy. Next tried alsaconf and that tool crashes SuSE/KDE and locks up my system hard. Backgrounds go black, all tool bars, activities and plasma applets disappear, and only windows which were open at the time remain active.. Only remedy is to reboot. Brought up KMix, another "wonderfully" undocumented tool and after another few hours of puzzling I finally discover that KMix hides a whole LOT of controls for my sound card, which need to be selected and turned visible first, and buried in one of these invisible controls was an associated mute checkbox that defaulted with the mute turned on!!! (I discovered a number of other controls in a similar state!) So for me this was an ugly mess and one in which other users will NOT find easily discoverable solutions for similar sound systems... I don't want to report a bug without first checking with the gurus. It certainly seems wrong that alsaconf should crash and lock up my system like it does. Do others have similar troubles or is this something associated with my particular sound card? And why is KMix hiding many of the sound controls and setting mute controls to default on? That too seems certainly wrong in my opinion! What happened to the old KDE3.5 sound control GUI for ALSA? I could not find it anywhere... Marc..