At 07:43 PM 1/22/2001 +0000, Richard wrote:
Richard , where do you get Gphoto from ? Does it work with USB and 7.0 or am I stuck with the serial cable thing ? I have a casio QV-3000 that has an ibm micro drive , hold a ton of pictures , but eats up batteries. allways keeep at least one extra set of batries, and use the ac adapter when transfrering to pc ect..
Thnaks for the info. USB is a lot faster than serial , and lots of new hardware is going the USB rout and dropping serial/com suport.My cam does come with a serial cable so in that I am lucky. The usb on windows finds it and treats the cam as just another drive. Thats neat. I do know that there is a pmcia adapter that allows you to plug in the micro drive and then slip it into a pcmcia slot. Good for a notebook if it works under linux , wich acording to some one it does. But that does not help on a desktop system , unless you network it to a note book. By then your beter off using the slow serial cable. I have seen some sort of "universal" reader that will accept flash cards but I do not know it they will read the micro drives. Lucky its made by IBM so hope is not lost in the long run of things. They just came out with a bigger one around a whole gig or so for the micro drive. Real neat.
www.gphoto.org - should be able to get it from www.helixcode.com as well. If you can download a picture from a camera then it doesn't matter which network protocol you use - well it shouldn't anyway ? Fred says that there's not much USB support in Gphoto. I just don't know. I see USB as "the work of the devil" <knocks wooden cross against someone's head>
I find the floppy drive accessory things sort out all problems. Just a case of where to get them from ? I go to www.jessops.co.uk but I'm not sure about places to go to in the States. You shouldn't have any problems finding them. Just make sure that your camera uses smartmedia cards.
Someone ought to get on to the Japanese camera manufacturers and tell them that we want more choice when it comes to connectors and cables that allow us to plug electronic cameras into computers and other gadgets :))
-- Richard
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