David C. Rankin composed on 2024-07-07 12:59 (UTC-0500):
Felix Miata wrote:
Attempting to install what?
Tumbleweed from:
When the boot media goes to the mirror to install the "Installation System" which is then what is run (the normal installer), the failures all prevented the "Installation System" from every completely downloading, or downloading in a way that the installer thought was consistent.
The TW installer now checks for a newer installation system than that on the booted media, and downloads and starts it instead, if newer exists. I think the 15.6 installer also does this.
The number of different ways the Red:
"An error occurred during installation."
dialogs that I saw was nuts. Even when ALL of the 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, ... parts of the installation system downloaded properly, the red "An error occurred during installation." dialog would be shown, and it would then show you the dialog to start the installation system.
I suspect what you experienced was inadequate competence from use of cdn.o.o, unable to provide a consistent set of files from fully sync'd mirrors.
I don't try. I use linuxrc to configure network for installation, select not managed for network, and include systemd-network among packages to install. YaST can't manage systemd-network, but that's fine by me. I use only static IPs, and have no problem writing /etc/systemd/network/eth0.network and /etc/resolv.conf files on first boot.
Where does the flag for this behavior live? /etc/sysconfig? I don't have Network Manager, but Yast says my network is managed and I have no way to configure the wireless? I simply want to configure my wifi and eth0 connections in yast onboot.
I don't believe there are existing plans to enable YaST control of network using systemd-network instead of NM or Wicked. To select DIY control with systemd-network is required to click the link on the Installation Summary page Network section that disables the current selection, leaving two links, one for enabling NM, and one for enabling Wicked. In this state, network configuration applicable to NET installation must have come from using linuxrc, and the systemd-network package must be selected for installation if on first boot you wish configuration of systemd-network to be enabled. This is not inherited by the installed system. Systemd-network must be manually configured upon booting the installed system. To enable systemd-network use: populate /etc/systemd/network with files to configure your NIC(s) systemctl enabled systemd-networkd.socket I don't use wireless so all I know about is ethernet with static IPs, and the above is all I've found necessary in most cases. In a limited few installations, all on Fedora IIRC, it has also been necessary to enable systemd-networkd.service.
NVidia users trigger installation of openSUSE-repos-Leap and openSUSE-repos-Leap-NVIDIA, which sets up a repo management service. I taboo their installation, which results in traditional repo setup and management.
UUGH.... How do I undo this "repo management service" now that I just did the TW install to get normal repos back? Is it a meta-package or something I need to uninstall?
Repo management service is enabled by openSUSE-repos-<ReleaseName>. openSUSE-repos-NVIDIA tags along if such hardware is detected. Uninstalling them removes the service. Left unlocked, it/they will reappear, unless NVidia hardware is first removed. Whether uninstalling openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed will populate /etc/zypp/repos.d/ I have no idea. My server provides all the repo files I use for the purpose.
US mirrors need a bit of TLC, or the bad ones just need to be dropped.
I've used the Net install since it came out somewhere around the 10.X days, maybe 11.
It was in place at least by 8.0, which was my first exposure to SuSE, and was my only installation type used at least through 9.3.
Let me know if you know how I fix the Yast network and Yast repo management problems.
I haven't tried YaST Network or Repositories in years. Repos for new installations are simply copied from my LAN server as required. Those named repo-whatever.repo are all discarded in favor of file and repo names lacking redundance, although alias names are each twin to repo name. -- Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion, based on faith, not based on science. Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata