Run the program from the konsole/console and post the output it prints.
Did that, and the output isn't really all that helpful.... ------------ /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/ RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module gddb_parser: This Python has API version 1013, module gddb_parser has version 1012. import gddb_parser ----------- The gddb parser is the Games Database parser... basically it is used to preconfigure some of the settings to be optimal for the game you've installed. Nothing that should affect the game sound problem I'm having.
check the premissions of the /dev/<oss specific> files and make sure they have read access for the users or approp group (e.g. audio, etc).
Looked in /dev and all audio related things seem to have the right rw permissions.
If you're running AppArmor - Don't! It can interfer with apps and /dev access
Disabled AppArmor... it did not correct the OSS sound related problem, but... but it did speed things up a LOT to have that disabled (was enabled by default from the install). This goes beyond game support in Cedega (I was just twigged to the issue by the sound issues in Cedega), and seems to be a general problem I'm having with OSS support in SUSE 10.2. Anything I want to run and use OSS will not work. MPlayer for example... I usually run that using OSS for my sound because if I use ALSA, I get a very rapidly repeating error "Unable to find simple control 'PCM' 0" that I've never been able to resolve... except for changing over to OSS... which doesn't work in my 10.2 install since OSS (I assume it's alsa-oss) doesn't work at all. Any other suggestions would be more than welcome here. C. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: