http://pcunix.com/Linux/linuxabi.html You might want to read this. Truthfully I've never had this module loaded for anything I've needed to do in the last 6 year on my Linux systems. If does infringe on their IP then I have absolutely no qualms about deleting it. If SCO thinks they can bring themselves to profitablity by taking others to court...well that's just not going to happen. * Jay Vollmer (jvollmer@visi.com) [030301 16:19]: ->Maybe I'm way off-base, but isn't this the issue described on the ->following page? -> -> <http://www.mozillaquest.com/Linux03/ScoSource-01_Story01.html> -> ->Further, according to this page: <http://www.mozillaquest.com/Linux03/ScoSource-01_Story01.html#in_Linux_Distributions>, SuSE Linux doesn't contain any SCO ->libraries. -> ->I notice that there is a /lib/modules/2.4.18-64GB-SMP/kernel/abi/uw7 directory ->on my SuSE Linux 8.0Pro installation. Doesn't that sound like Unixware? -> ->Perhaps someone who knows more than I do could shed some light. ->Granted that's just about everybody. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.