On Thursday 02 February 2006 06:27, Roland Turcan wrote:
Hello suse-linux-e!
I am thinking about buy this mainboard and CPU:
AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 64bit. soc.939 MB Microstar K8N nWidia nForce NF3
I am not sure if still SuSE 9.2 is not able to support south brigde of this board. I was trying to build similar computer in October 2005 and I had to change to board who support AMD processor with socket 754, because network adapter didn't work and as I remember that USB had problems too.
Maybe you take me question, that why I don't want SuSE 10.0, but the reason is, that I have got very bad experiences with running Kylix 3 Pro on Linux kernel 2.6.11=>. On 9.2 it works.
I woun't buy it if it won't work corretly for me.
-- Best regards, TRoland http://www.rotursoft.sk http://exekutor.rotursoft.sk ============ Roland I'm thinking you should look at a motherboard with the nForce 4 chipset rather than the 3. Seems to me there were several problems regarding the 3, which wasn't around long before nVidia came out with the 4, which is much better. Better supported, more reliable. Anyway, why settle for outdated when you can get the newer? Someone must be closing out some old hardware.
regards, Lee