Hi: I finally got the courage to install the kernel sources and install the latest Nvidia driver. From runlevel 3 the Nvidia driver installed without issue. However when I ran the command sax2 -m 0=nvidia, sax started the spining bar appeared then the screen went blank, after a minuite or more I control-alt-deleted to reboot. When I rebooted there were no error messages and I got the NVIDIA screen as I logged into my user account. However when I ran glxgears I got only 17 fps. so something must be wrong. I looked in XF86config and all looked good. A lsmod shows the nvidia module loaded. Could someone help me figure out and correct what is wrong? -- Yours, Ralph. It said Use Windows XP or better, so I installed SuSE-Linux 9.0 Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234 AIM & Yahoo ralphfdewitt jabber.org ralphdewitt GPG Public Key available at hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net Key fingerprint = DE4D 6225 A558 A2B9 8DEC 7E94 BB6F 435C 0DE2 085D Kernel version 2.4.21-166-athlon Current Linux uptime: 0:16, days users hours minutes.