-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Sunday, 2009-12-13 at 17:27 +0100, jdd-gmane wrote:
Le 13/12/2009 15:02, Carlos E. R. a écrit :
Notice that installing a piece of software by root or admin is no different in windows or in linux.
not really true, for historical reasons.
Linux, like Unix, is based *from the beginning* on the fact that applications are installed by root. period. no user is normally allowed to run apps (binaries) in they account.
That's not my meaning. I mean that when, by whateer means, an app is intentionally installed (not accidentally), the person installing has todo the same type of decission: trust that software. That new piece of software is given some control over the machine. If the author or distributor is not bonafide, regardless of it being linux of windows, the end result is that you are, er... damaged. And as needing to be root etc, I know all that. A user in linux can not normally install (system) software, but the point is moot here, as the user is often also root and knows the password. By the way, you can enforce that type of security in windows, too. At my job, I can not install (system) software, which is sometimes a pain. On both sides, the user can usually install "local" software, on his home. I have something installed in "My Documents" in windows. - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkslIEsACgkQtTMYHG2NR9WWVwCePgNMgTHjRwdJUYIdsk7FxOVg rhwAn2N63MBjqEZ5o9QlVJ2mjEK2jNIh =6C3d -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----