On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 12:37:02PM -0400, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
I can imagine that the SUSE people don't want to tell their users off.
They would -not- be telling their users off just setting up some ground rules. Kind of what you do here when people top post and post technical questions. If there was someone in charge of how/what messages were posted people would be more inclined to follow the requests.
I know that they would not actually be telling people off. The perception of people _can_ be different.
Many people would feel insulted and that is something you do not want to happen if you are a company.
No, they would more feel ashamed that they were reminded of the procedures requested for posting to the list.
There will be people who will feel insulted. That feeling is unjust, yet people will feel that. Not the majority, yet still. Unfortunate, but that is what _could_ happen and that _might be_ the reason why nobody really steps forward. I can only asume that that is the reason nobody is realy resposible or takes it. -- houghi http://houghi.org http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/ http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...