Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:58:20 -0700 Carl Spitzer {L Juno} <> :
Someone had brought up the question of backing up before reinstall. Well this will help not bootable you just save what you want and you do not need to worry about Clonezilla or more complex solutions.
BTW as I remember there is still autoyast which allows you to make a automatic install for replicating installations already performed.
I use rsync to make full backups of data partitions which include home directories, example rsync -ahcEWXd /somepath/data /somepath/sc01 This will make a data folder such as /0/sc01/data which I then rename with date such as /0/sc01/data-2023-08-10 I've had issues backing up to existing backups and also using other switches but the above makes so far faultless 'new' copies. I keep sveral in row like little ducks going back half a dozen dates. My 100gb OS partitions I back up with dd creating 100gb image files which I extend with *.dd which tells me how I made them. dd if=/dev/sda8 of=/somepath/partition8-2023-08-10.dd When it counts (a backup isn't a backup if you can tell the difference or if you need the OS or app that made it to recover it) then you cannot beat dd.