I would agree. One huge complaint I had with RHat and to some extent still have with many distro's is QA is that you can do a fresh load, standard "accept all defaults" install of so many distro's and somethings just don't work. By that I mean, clicking on icon does nothing. I'm sure errors paste back to the console but to the X user, nothing happens. If they don't work, they shouldn't be there. The idea of bundling everything in by default is not good. Someone should be sitting in a room and coming out saying, "All this sh*t don't work." Great! Let's pull that. In the case of menu editting and such, then the answer is don't release it! I recall a Gnome release once that completely removed the menu editting tool, but they released it anyway. Why would you? hehe <<JAV>> -- ---------- Original Message ----------- From: James Knott <james.knott@rogers.com> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Sent: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 14:50:42 -0400 Subject: Re: [SLE] KDE Menu editing
Joe Polk wrote:
I've tried with limited success to restrict the applications that my daughters 'see' when they login with there accounts. The Menu Editing feature seems flaky. I've noticed this with just about every distro I've used and Gnome used to have similar issues. If I remove a menuitem, it won't take effect for some time. Often, it will not remove the item at all, but simply move it to "Applications" and then I have to "re-delete" the item. It just seems like venturing into the edit tool is to do so with low expectations. Has anyone else seen this?
I've found upgrading KDE fixes the problem. I can understand a problem such as that appearing once, but when it appears in more than one version, and there have been complaints about it, I have to question how much testing is performed.
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