David Johanson wrote:
I am having difficulty getting video to play smoothly on a 9.0 box which is actually my brides dual boot Win2K/SuSE 9.0 system. DVDs play crisply and smoothly on the windows side but are very jerky on the SuSE side, as if there is file buffering taking place like load, run, load next, run next, and so forth. I doubt that it is hardware related as the problem is absent, as I mentioned, on the windows side. [snip]
It sounds as if you may not have DMA enabled on your drives - check in YaST (I think this setting is in YaST for 9.0 but can't remember). Stuttering is a classic symptom of this though there may be other reasons. You can also check on your drives by going (as root) hdparm -i /dev/xxx - where xxx is your drive number, hdc, dvd, whatever - and inspecting the output. Have you tried the packman site for full, not limited, versions of xine et al, packaged up for SuSE? Useful place - http://packman.links2linux.org/ :) Fish