On Tue, 2002-12-24 at 08:43, Fred M. Sloniker wrote:
* What's a good DVD player for Linux? Being an ex-Windows user, ease of installation is important to me, but feature-richness is important too.
There are several choices with each one having it's supporters who swear that the one they like is much better than the others. You short list would probably be: - MPlayer http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/ - Xine http://xinehq.de/ - Ogle http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/dvd/ For all-in-one players I would suggest you take a look at Mplayer or Xine. Pick the one that suits you. My preference is for MPlayer mostly because I could get it to work very easily and Xine was a bit too much for my limited patience. MPlayer is included with SuSE8.1. Be aware that this is a severely limited version due to licensing issues etc. If you want a fully functioning version download the source and build a new version. The latest MPlayer even handles Quicktime Sorenson3 now. I think it actually handles all video formats available now... I can't find one it cannot play. Hope this bit helps. C.