Þann Þriðjudagur 25 janúar 2005 17:21 skrifaði Ken Schneider:
<opinion> If MS can't buy the competing product they add their own to put the competitor out of business (can you say Netscape, first one that comes to mind). </opinion>
<My not so humble opinion> MS is not at fault here, it's the "competing" product that is ... it's only natural that a company like MS tries to bully out the competition. That's what competition is about ... out maneuvering your opponent. The world is full of half wits, that sit at their MickeySoft computer, and make a PaperClip, I mean Excel document that looks nice and has some numbers in it. They sell their time "expensive" and rip off the customer, Big Time ... and it ain't MickeySoft. I just "recently" in another thread, made a comment about buisness and I ain't got stomache to repeat it. The bottom line is, that it ain't MickeySoft that's at fault ... ask yourself, why isn't their any "real" software coming from Europe? Why isn't Linux being supported and aided in Europe, after all it's a European product? Where are all the "European" friendly industries, when computer software is concerned? It's easy to go and blame MickeySoft, but Europe banning "Media Player" is a Euro Problem with legal stuff. It's like this, we peaked the oil or are "just about" to ... the prices of oil are at their highest, and likely to rise ... and Europe builds a bigger airbus, and calls it a work of genius. So, just face it ... the reason MickeySoft is doing so well, is because we here in Europe lost all our intellectuals to the US ... those of us who are still here, are guys like myself who aint got nothing of value that the US wants. </My not so humble opinion>
-- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998
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"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugge