Sorry Gerry, I didn'y mean to come across like a rabid Microsoft hater (I am but I keep it under my hat). It was an argument based on right tools for the job. I don't decry the use of Win9x platforms as desktop clients, that's what they are for. Why on earth do you need to reverse the machines' roles like this? Anyway, _if_ your Wingate software is capable of acting as an SMTP proxy, you will need to: 1) set up Wingate to access your ISP's SMTP mail server - usually you just need to enter it's fully qualifed host name and let it default to port 25. 2) tell Wingate on which port it is to serve SMTP out to the LAN. The dialogue where this is done will usually supply a suitable default, so you only have to note down what it is, for later. the main thing is that it should be a port number which is not used by any other servicee, i.e. avoid 'well-known' service port numbers, especially 25. 3) set up the mail client machine (Linux in this case?) to use your Wingate proxy machine as the mail server, and configure it to look for SMTP on the port number served out by the Wingate software (which you noted down in step 2). Most proxy services work along similar lines, eg http proxies which usually serve out to port 8080 so you'll need to change port numbers on the client for a few things. On linux these assignments are made in /etc/services. Having edited it, it should be enough to do a killall -HUP inetd and then restart sendmail and any other individual demons which need to read a proxy service. If Wingate doesn't do inbound SMTP you should be able to do a smilar thing for mail collection with POP3 which is usually found on port 110. But you need the SMTP proxy to send mail out, unless Wingate allows LAN clients to access the remote mail server transparently, which I doubt. Hope this is of some help. Ralph Gerry Doris wrote:
Well, I thought it would be too optimistic to think that I wouldn't get a reply like "you're doing it all wrong!"...get rid of Win98 and all your problems will go away.
I'm not going into all the reasons that Win98 is being run on the gateway machine. It is and that's the way it must be for a number of reasons. I have had linux there and you're was easy to setup and it does work seamlessly. However, I've had to go back to Win98.
Thanks for your reply (seriously). I know you only wanted to help me but I can't do what you suggest.
On 27-Dec-98 Ralph Clark wrote:
Gerry Doris wrote:
I am accessing my isp's mail server via a Win98 system running wingate proxy server software. I can't figger out how to setup sendmail to properly send/receive mail.
I've been using xfmail and netscape mail and that works fine using the following settings:
smpt mail server name: wingate (name of the proxy machine) pop account name: user_name#isp_mail_server_name (# format needed for proxy)
Is there a way to get sendmail to work through the proxy???
At the risk of sounding a bit harsh - you're doing this all wrong!
Set your Linux box up as the server/gateway and your Windows box as the client. Windows 9x was never meant to be a server platform, while Linux has always been just that. Windows doesn't multitask very well, performs very poorly as a router, has limited support for various essential server/gateway software, even more limited freeware (unless you've bought a licence for Wingate I'll bet you have a limited run-time demo which will expire in a month anyway). And so on and so on.
You need to install IP Masquerading and firewalling on the Linux machine to do (better) what you are currently attempting with Wingate. This may require a kernel reconfiguration and recompilation. While you are at it you can set the compile as router option for better performance.
As regards mail: on the Linux machine, set up imapd (just uncomment the relevant line in /etc/inetd.conf and do killall -HUP inetd) and set up Outlook on the Win98 client to point to an IMAP server on your Linux machine. You may need to run a mail delivery agent (like procmail or fetchmail) to deliver mail from the mail spool directory into your remote inbox.
That way you can access your mail from either the Linux machine or the Windows machine. Moreover, imapd runs straight out of the box - there is no configuration to do.
Use ~/Mail as your remote mail directory and ~/mbox as your remote inbox. Using this method you can use Netscape Messenger, pine and bog-standard 'mail' as mail clients on the Linux machine.
If you try to continue with Win98 as the gateway, not only are you using an inferior method but you are also wasting your time - the experience won't be of much use to you in the future as hardly anyone else would try to do it that way. On the other hand if you follow the route I suggest, you'll be doing the same as a lot of people on this list (and on other lists too) and you won't be short of technical help.
Good luck
-- Ralph Clark, Virgo Solutions Ltd (UK) __ _ / / (_)__ __ ____ __ * Powerful * Flexible * Compatible * Reliable * / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / *Well Supported * Thousands of New Users Every Day* /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ The Cost Effective Choice - Linux Means Business!
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---------------------------------- E-Mail: Gerry Doris <> Date: 28-Dec-98 Time: 03:24:41
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