I realise I'm not an expert by any means and that I find Linux difficult to adjust to but the new SuSE Linux 8.1 doesn't work on the first menu option on very many machines I've tried, the install feels *painfully* slow and none of the install options appear to work on my quad CPU Compaq Proliant 5000 (P/Pro 200 x 4) and then when it runs it is very slow to boot and jerky to use (and that's on a P4/1.7). That said I installed it on one machine (a Compaq Deskpro PIII/800) and it ran perfectly fine!
Try compiling the kernel with your specific options and see what happens. I used to get a seg fault when the machine was shut down until I recompiled the kernel and took out every option not pertaining to my machine. Let us all know what the results are Harry A.