** Reply to message from "Rowan Reid" <rreid@studio3arc.com> on Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:56:41 -0700
I'm compiling a 2.4.17 kernel. My fs is reiserfs I have it compiled in the kernel with all my default modules but I walways get the above error. My 2.4.18 and other kernels compile and boot with no problem am I missing something in my config
Linux cannot boot from reiserfs. It needs a small partition with ext2 to put all the boot files. In /etc/fstab, this partition should be mounted at /boot and the reiserfs partition mounted on /. Do mkinitrd which creates initrd in /boot. Do a lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf with boot=/dev/(your reiserfs partition) and under the image section image = /boot/vmlinuz (located on the ext2 partition) label = linux initrd = /boot/initrd (located on the ext2 partition) root = /dev/hda9 (my reiserfs partition) Hope this helps. Ed Harrison, broadcasting on ----// ---// ()_ __ __ _ --//__ // \///_//\\// -//__ ///\//__,/ //\\ by SuSE(8.0), Kernel 2.4.18, X 4.2, KDE 3.0.1 or Windows98 (running in vmware 3.1 for fun) PolarBarMailer 1.22prev4 with IBM JDK 1.3.1