Am 29.04.23 um 23:17 schrieb Stephan Hemeier:
Am Samstag, 29. April 2023, 23:07:23 CEST schrieb Wolfgang Rosenauer:
just got a new laptop with Windows 11 installed and I'm not supposed to remove Win 11 completely ;-) but want to install Tumbleweed in dual boot. Since apparently I'm installing only every few years it's always again "interesting".
I downloaded a recent Tumbleweed snapshot and wrote it to a USB stick but I cannot boot from it as the system tells me that the secure boot signature is invalid. When trying to search for the issue I cannot find much. I found that Tumbleweed should be supporting secure boot completely and therefore I have no idea what might be wrong as apparently is meant to just work.
Any pointers?
Which ISO?
Have you compared the checksum of the downloaded ISO?
I think I did not but as the image is now gone from download I can only grab the latest one and try again. Will do and report back
How do you write the ISO to the stick? with dd?
yes, as documented dd if=openSUSE-Tumbleweed-NET-x86_64-Snapshot20230428-Media.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M status=progress && sync Wolfgang