Hi folks, I am having a problem booting into runlevel 5. Before anyone says edit /etc/inittab, or use YAST2 here's my default pasted right out of inittab # The default runlevel is defined here id:5:initdefault: From what I have read, that means I should be runlevel 5. Here's the history. I'm running SUSE Pro 8.2 and wanted to be able to copy a CD in K3B. K3B was not recognizing my CD reader. SUSE had this helpful article at: http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2003/04/tsaupe_k3b.html I tried to follow the directions but munged something and after rebooting got a kernel panic. I booted into Linux safe mode (Grub is my default boot manager) went to try and undo what I had done in YAST2. I obviously really screwed up, because I could not find my change. Anyway, In YAST2 Boot Loader Setup there is a "Propose New Configuration". I ran that and accepted what it recommended. Now the system boots fine into runlevel 3. YAST2 says it should be runlevel 5, inittab says it sould be run level 5, yet I get runlevel 3. I can log into my box and execute an "init 5" and everything comes up fine (as far as I can tell). Somehow, I'm still zigging when I should be zagging. Any helpful hints ? The boot log does NOT show any errors that I can tell. It has to be something simple, but right now I haven't got a clue. --- Charles