"Gil Weber" <gil@gilweber.com> 07/26/05 2:44 PM >>> Clayton, thanks for the reply. The total lack of support is total lack of support. They only take orders. All technical questions must be directed to the manufacturer of each board or device. It's not the "L" word; rather they provide no support what-so-ever. :o(
I don't want to offend anyone here, but I was surprised by any 'vendor' providing zero support of their own products so I had a look... they are just an online reseller selling name brand boxes. So if you have a technical problem with your HP desktop, then ask HP... that's standard fare from my experiences. I didn't see any 'NewEgg' brand pc's which on the other hand I would expect them to support. I'd suggest you visit the manufacturers' website to check for SuSE compatibilty, else check the SuSE 9.3 hardware compatibility list against the components inside the name brand box you're going to buy, although asking this list is always going to be beneficial as well! Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see the problem with newegg.com vs any other online discount reseller... Most do DOA only and rely purely on the original equipment makers warranty apart from what's required by law. SteveC