Hi! Am Samstag, 11. März 2006 15:49 schrieb Peter Onion:
What you've seen is that the KDE users just shout and rant more than the Gnome users.
Have you seen me saying anything about Gnome being inferior, or its users having any kind of bad habits? I did not, yet you brought that up and tell me that KDE users shout and rant more. So what does this tell about you?
I've been using Gnome on SUSE since 5.X and I've never complained once about KDE being provided (as default or otherwise) by SuSE.
Ok, so if SuSE was KDE focused from the beginning and you chose it anyway, you accepted the KDE-focus. Yet for KDE users it is the other way around. They chose SuSE because of the KDE-focus and now that changes. You complaining would have been like a KDE user complaining to Redhat or ubuntu, that they use Gnome by default and I bet Gnome users on Redhat or ubuntu would ask questions, if they changed their default DE to KDE, don't you think? Sven