Hi, On Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 20:55 -0900, W.D.McKinney wrote:
Is this a script that runs a little to often ?
Feb 26 20:00:00 wdm /USR/SBIN/CRON[712]: (root) CMD ( test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons )
This checks /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily... for scripts to run. It should IMHO be sufficient to run it every hour. You can change that in /etc/crontab. Ciao, Stefan - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/"><A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/</A">http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/</A</A>> and the archive at <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html"><A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html</A">http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html</A</A>>