2 Dec
2 Dec
On Monday 01 December 2003 08:36 pm, James D. Ivey wrote: While I can't vouch for the efficacy of this approach, they do provide floppy images and instructions for booting from a floppy.
Thank you. My PC is Stand-alone, with ISDN Dial-Up & Modem is a USB Netmod ISDN Modem I have read all the Text files with the Modules 1 thru 5 But, I cannot understand what I need to be able to DIAL my ISP for an ftp connection to ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386 Could someone explain what steps I need to take to DIAL my ISP using the Floppy Modules & Floppy BootDisk ?? ~ thanks -- best wishes ____________ sent on Linux ____________