Simply opening port for ftp doesn't mean anything. Just because inetd is suppose to start proftpd doesn't mean it will if it is not installed. You actually have to have an ftp server installed which probably did not come with the personal edition. -install the proftp package from online. -turn off any ftp services in inetd.conf (aka comment them) -run proftpd as standalone(!) and therefore edit /etc/proftpd.conf and uncomment anonymous access. mk
From: Brian Dunaway <brian@fusionwerks.com> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: [SLE] FTP on Personal Edition 7.1 Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 17:34:01 -0700
I keep getting a 421 Service not available error when I try to ftp to my SuSE Personal Edition 7.1
I have uncommented the ftp service in inetd.conf and inetd is starting up and running when I boot.
Ideas? Answers? :)
Brian D.
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