My parents are having problems w/their computers and I'm hoping I can use the remote desktop feature in Win7 to correct their issues (some of the 3rd party apps that route through 3rd party servers (Teamview) are just so SLOW.... But I was thinking if I can setup a vpn on linux and she can install VPN SW on Windows... then I should be able to get a direct connect. She is able to ping my linux server, but that's all I know as far as connectivity goes. I've found some openvpn SW for Windows and this setup page: for linux... but am not clear on how to make the win side connect as a network connection (not to mention windows routing is such a pain)... I got down to past building the DH key... but then they talk about client config -- and I realize at that point it sounds like it is for another linux box... ??? I'm a bit -familiar w/iptables -- and have setup masquerading and using the linux box for local traffic forwarding/connecting... Does anyone have any experience in this area? thanks much...... -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: