I've got an old P75 64MB box which has, until recently, been running Smoothwall as a firewall. Since I got a rather unimpressive ADSL ethernet modem, which needs to be driven by a web browser, and which remembers the MAC address of the driving NIC, Smoothwall doesn't do the job anymore. After much effort I put SuSE-8.1 on the box. Slow, to put it mildly, but it does the job. It set up the SuSE firewall and set it to do NAT and it works fine. My question is, where do I go from here? I don't know much about the SuSE firewall, or how to harden the box against attack. I'd like it to spin down the hard disk (which presumably it doesn't need much in it's limited role) to reduce noise and power consumption. Anyone else used SuSE-8.1 as a dedicated firewall? What configurations did you make to get it as hard and efficient as possible? -- Australian Linux Technical Conference 2003: http://www.linux.conf.au/ Explain to your boss the benefits of you going...