Rikard, I'm running an ancient Nvidia GeForce256. Interesting to note that we have the same problem with overlaps and nonvisible menubuttons. In that the video driver does not seem to be the problem, nor anti-aliased fonts, I am assuming some underling library file that I have failed to upgrade. Mike Reith On Sunday 24 March 2002 11:22, Rikard Johnels wrote:
I got the same problem with ovelaps, and almost nonvisible menubuttons... I thought it had something to de woth my "tweaked" X isntalation, and the fact that i am using Xinarama on a Matrox G400DH with the Matrox Pdesk utility. Some other apps misbehave too, but not in that way tho..
Will reinstall Hancom (removed it) and test it some more.
As for SO 5.2, it works for me. The 6.0 Beta is NOT behaving properly with Xinerama The fonts get all fckd up if i move or start it on Desktop2