On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:42:55 +0000 Rick Smegal <rsmegal@aardvarr.ca> wrote:
A local server I used to regularly use to logon to with public key authentication in Leap 15.5 now reports: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) in Leap 15.6 using the same configuration within ~/.ssh of both distros. Obviously, the IdentityFile is unchanged. Any obvious suggestions on where I look for the change in Leap 15.6?
Check "/etc/ssh/ssh_config and "/etc/ssh/sshd_config Leap 15.6 is using a newer version of openssh. I noticed that it replaced my normal config with the default versions. It renamed my original versions a "ssh_config.rpmsave" and "sshd_config.rpmsave". For the newer openssh, it is better to put any of your own configuration in dropin files in "/etc/ssh/ssh_config.d" and "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d" Apart from that change, all is working fine here.