Graham Smith wrote:
I suggest you use IP numbers ONLY in the /etc/exports otherwise you will be in trouble. Please refer to the man page for details on this.
Therefore I recommend you use the following entry /home/dhenson/Documents/UOP/,root_squash,sync)
Please subsitute the first three parts of ip address of "linux" with the entry above. e.g if the ip address is then enter
Did that. YaST was unable to find the NFS server when it did it's scan for NFS servers on this network. I entered the IP address for the server set up on toshiba manually. I was then able to access the exported directory and set a mount point. When I finished, YaST reported: Unable to mount NFS entries from /etc/fstab However, it appears to have mounted it anyway. Now I can't get rid of it. I'm beginning to think that YaST has a problem. -- Donald D. Henson, Managing Director West El Paso Information Network The "Non-Initiation of Force Principle" Rules