The Thursday 2005-05-05 at 15:48 +1000, Kornelis Sietsma wrote:
First, OpenOffice 2.0 beta has a few real headaches:
- There is no jpg filter in the default install! If I try to embed a jpg file into a document I get a warning: "Graphics filter not found". (Update - on checking further, this only seems to work for some images - specifically, our company logo! Some jpgs are fine. bizarre.)
See if your logo contains exif data - just an idea. You can check with "exif" or "jhead".
This also means previously embedded jpeg files in existing sxw documents show up as errors, it took considerable effort to find the problem was with filters. (If it is)
One feature I would like is to tell OO to limit itself to those features a particular format supports, so that there will be no problems by users of other versions or systems. This is particularly painfull when using complex formating tables or columns.
- Numerous regular crashes, especially when editing drawing elements embedded into a Writer document.
I haven't tried that. What I have noticed is that some users can not use accented wovels (á, é, etc) and some can. In the same machine. Weird.
Sadly, I might have to revert to version 1 in order to actually get my work done. I know that this is a beta, but I had hoped that if Novell/Suse thought that 2.0 was worth installing as the default, it meant that the product was stable enough to use.
Me too. The old version should have been in the DVD, too, so that we could decide what to use.
I'm especially worried by the problems dealing with version 1.0 document formats - if I'm going to use this, I have to be able to keep using the old document format until my whole workplace has migrated, I'd hoped that file system backward compatibility was a primary goal of the new version...
Right. One of the things about open formats and software is that the bussiness owning the program can not suddenly decide that new version will be incompatible to force everybody to buy the new one. Or so I thought. I don't know why OO has got to change file formats - again?
Can you run both versions at once? I haven't tried this, but if it works relatively smoothly, I might give it a go - I'd hate to have to completely revert, and lose all the nice new features of the Draw program.
It's an idea... but the download is huge, over a modem (my case). -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson