On 11/1/05, Regis Matejcik <rm@crescentconstruction.com> wrote:
I use a Samsung ypt7z mp3 player and it works great on SuSe - out of the box no tweeking - but you know how kids are...
I need to try to get SuSe 9.2 to work with an ipod nano.
I downloaded gtkpod, and the appropriate libraries, compiled and installed it. gtkpod seems work, but I can't get it to connect to the ipod nano. It seems that the problem is that gtkpod looks for the ipod in /mnt/ipod and when I plug in the ipod nano it shows up in /media/usb......
I tried creating a file /mnt/ipod then making a symbolic link to /media/usb...
Then I tried changing the mount point for gtkpod to /media/usb...
neither worked.
Has anyone a suggestion?
See if this will help. That way you can mount the device at a specific mount point. <http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2005/05/dkukawka_subfs_nomount.html> -- -- Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)