8 Feb
8 Feb
On Wednesday 08 February 2006 11:40, email.listen@googlemail.com wrote:
It seems that more and more vendors don't support ogg anymore. If you have a look on (MS-Audi/Video) DRM format capable devices all of them are not ogg capable anymore.
Then don't buy them, doh! Support manufacturers like Cowon (http://eng.iaudio.com), who make excellent products, advertise Linux compatibility, and support ogg. Every time you buy a DRM device that does not support ogg you are sending a message to manufacturers that they can get away with pushing this sort of dumb product. -- Pob hwyl / Best wishes Kevin Donnelly www.kyfieithu.co.uk - KDE yn Gymraeg www.rhedadur.org.uk - Rhedeg berfau Cymraeg www.cymrux.org.uk - Linux Cymraeg ar un CD