Hi, Thanks for your answer. I don't think that this is a Konqueror issue. In the meantime I found that in the Firewall Configuration/ Interfaces panel I have two network interfaces configured: These are: Device Interface or String Configured in Realtek RT8139 eth-id-00.... External Zone Custom string eth-id-00.... External Zone However in the Network Card Configuration panel I have only the Realtek card configured. I don't know what is this 'Custom string' device in the firewall panel. I have removed it and after that I could browse my shares even with running firewall. But after rebooting the computer this 'custom string' device was recreated in the Firewall Configuration/Interfaces panel and I can not browse my shared folders anymore. What is this custom string device and why is it there? Thanks IG ____________________________________________________________________________ Ingyenes hirdetés feladás az [origo] aprón! Már több mint 180.000 ajánlat! http://apro.origo.hu/