Wed, 24 Jan 2024 22:07:52 -0500 Felix Miata <mrmazda@earthlink.net> :
Ben T. Fender composed on 2024-01-24 21:53 (UTC-0500):
After "fdisk -l" to validate that my booting drive is in fact /dev/sda
mount /dev/sda8 /0/sa08
because I want to work in partition 8
What I get in response is ========================================================== # mount /dev/sda7 /0/sa07 mount: /0/sa07: /dev/sda7 already mounted or mount point busy.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. ==========================================================
Why is TW not letting me mount by confirmed device-name?
It seem to me that I once removed some package that fixed the issue but I don't remember what that package was, and now it's back to square one.
Any other fix?
What do mount | egrep 'sda|sa' and df report?
I used disk-labels for a while too but got into trouble with those being used together with uuids :-(
I can only imagine disk labels causing trouble if you choose your disk labels unwisely.
I hardly ever used labels before, did a few of them but after dd-ing one of those partitions I ended up with two partitions with a different uuid but the same label cause I edited the uuid's only in /etc/stab. It was entirely my fault, 10 fingers up my stack all the way to my armpit again. -- Fender have made the world's greatest electric guitars for 80 years now, but they've not yet managed a Stratovarius.