/var/lib/YaST2/you takes up most of the space, perhaps you could relocate it and make a symlink in /var/lib/YaST2. To me that's one of the sins of having separate partitions on the same drive for various directories, even Sun have discontinued this hangover from the small disk era, as the major exposure mainly comes from a rouge controller corrupting every HD connected to it (the voice of unhappy experiences, mine and others), though it makes sense if the HD's are connected to separate controllers. Regards Sid. Dave Smith wrote:
Hi all.
I have a minor problem with my SuSE 8.0 installation - I've run out of space on /var.
A quick look shows that over half the partition is being taken up by RPM files in /var/lib/YaST (IIRC) - I guess downloaded by YOU.
Is it OK for me to delete these files? I'll be upgrading to a 9.0 fresh install when it comes out, so I don't necessarily need to think very long-term.
TIA for any replies...