13 Mar
13 Mar
Hi Folks, I have been trying to get a tarball of transcode to compile on my SUSE 9.2 system. Every pkg I have d/l'd from the sites listed on the Transcode Wiki page: http://www.transcoding.org/cgi-bin/transcode are unopenable. Every one, including the beta versions. Have I made one of those embarrassing newby errors? Konqi Filemgr says : "The file does not exist" even tho it lists it. Is there a location for a transcode I can open and compile? PeterB p.s. The pkgs are unopenable on my SUSE 8.2 sys also -- -- Proud SUSE user since 5.2 Loving SUSE 9.2 My BLOG == http://vancampen.org/blog --