On 23/11/2020 20.21, James Knott wrote:
On 2020-11-23 2:09 p.m., Carlos E. R. wrote:
It is plain standard systemd.
Which is fine if you're familiar with it. I'm not. While I may be a more advanced Linux user than most, it's not where my strength is. That would be telecom and networks. In another note, I mentioned about the poor documentation that so often exists in the *nix world, which seems to assume everyone is a developer. Fact is, there are many whose interests lie elsewhere and who only see Linux as a tool and a better OS than the one you're often stuck with when buying a computer.
Now, if you want to talk to me about IPv6, Ethernet or WiFi, then I can give you an ear full. ;-)
I know :-) But systemd is documented. It is not as initd, when each service worked differently, there is a common interface. You no longer need to learn a hundred systems. It is even documented by openSUSE! <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/reference/html/book-opensuse-reference/cha-systemd.html#sec-boot-systemd-custom> Thus, I know nothing about Ubiquiti, but I know for sure how to access that ExecStartPre. It is the same for all services. Standard :-) And no, I'm very far from being a systemd expert. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.1 (Legolas))