Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Tuesday 2007-02-27 at 17:29 -0500, Bruce Marshall wrote:
I used to be able to view them using 10.1 but at some point in time I think they made a change and the videos no longer work. The videos are called out by javascript and I think they are doing something non-standard (which naturally obviously only IE understands)
I have tried several distros, Firefox, Opera, Konqy etc... and nothing works. Sound comes through but no video.
I am running Flash 9 but 7 doesn't work either.
cer@nimrodel:/tmp/AAA> file 3EEC6128d01 3EEC6128d01: Macromedia Flash data, version 6
Xine says: ... gui_xine_open_and_play(): mrl: '3EEC6128d01', sub 'NONE', start_pos 0, start_time 0, av_offset 0, spu_offset 0. xine: found input plugin : file input plugin ebml: invalid master element xine: couldn't find demux for >3EEC6128d01<
- ---------------------- (ERROR) ---------------------- got XINE_ERROR_NO_DEMUX_PLUGIN. - ------------------ (END OF ERROR) -------------------
- ---------------------- (ERROR) ---------------------- - - xine engine error -
There is no demuxer plugin available to handle '3EEC6128d01'. Usually this means that the file format was not recognized. - ------------------ (END OF ERROR) -------------------
- ---------------------- (ERROR) ---------------------- - - xine engine error -
There is no demuxer plugin available to handle '3EEC6128d01'. Usually this means that the file format was not recognized. - ------------------ (END OF ERROR) -------------------
So it looks like flash perhaps provides a windows codec for Flash 6 FLV which FNC use to embed the video. Weird. Why not use flash directly? <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"> <!-- // Visual basic helper required to detect Flash Player ActiveX control version information Function VBGetSwfVer(i) on error resume next Dim swControl, swVersion swVersion = 0 set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i)) if (IsObject(swControl)) then swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version") end if VBGetSwfVer = swVersion End Function // --> </script> Mmmm... Naice! But there's also lots of JS, and it works under FF2 in windows. It appears in the dom thus: <object width="320" height="260" id="flashVid" codebase="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"> <param value="flash_video.swf?ranNum=999018464&flaVol=100&showAd=true&videoAdType=fnc&ad1=" name="MOVIE"/><param value="high" name="QUALITY"/><param value="false" name="MENU"/><param value="transparent" name="wmode"/><param value="VwPauseVideoOnStart=false&lCastCompatible=" name="FlashVars"/><embed width="320" height="260" pluginspage="" flashvars="VwPauseVideoOnStart=false&lCastCompatible=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="flashVid" wmode="transparent" menu="false" quality="high" src="flash_video.swf?ranNum=999018464&flaVol=100&showAd=true&videoAdType=fnc&ad1="/></object> I'd think the clsid:BLAH-BLAH-BLAH bit is MS Win specific. I'm not going through all of the JS just now, though this bit: function _hbxStrip(a){ a = a.split("|").join(""); a = a.split("&").join(""); a = a.split("'").join(""); a = a.split("#").join(""); a = a.split("$").join(""); a = a.split("%").join(""); a = a.split("^").join(""); a = a.split("*").join(""); a = a.split(":").join(""); a = a.split("!").join(""); a = a.split("<").join(""); a = a.split(">").join(""); a = a.split("~").join(""); a = a.split(";").join(""); a = a.split(" ").join("+"); return a; } could be written a = a.split(/[|&'#$%^:!<*>~;]/).join("").split(" ").join("+"); So it seems a bit poorly written, though to be fair (and balanced?) I suppose that may cause some kind problem with old browsers. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: