<PRE> On 12-Jan-99 Leon McClatchey wrote about the following Re: [SuSE Linux] AM I the only one who recieved 297 ...(seemess : || || Eric Meyer wrote: || || > NONONONONONONONONONO - there is a message buried in it - I'm just || > deleting || > it because I can't tell what it's about without reading - really || > fouled up! || > || || If your talking about the tpcadmin and the Postmaster@jules.com, nope, || they hit || here too! Out of 568 messages, over half were repeats of the above two || addresses. I saw something in Sendmail about anti-spam capabilities, || does not || majordomo have the same capabilities? Well, majordomo which is a fine mailing package does not handle anti-spamming. But for anyone interested and using procmail, I have a recipe that will handle duplicate mail. If you want it, just e-mail me directly. --- Kim C. Callis -- kcc@ziplink.net ********************************* * When it absolutely, * * Positively has to be * * Destroyed over night! * * * * (800) MARINES * ********************************* </PRE> <A HREF="pgp00014.pgp"> PGP signature</A></P>