On Tuesday 02 September 2003 8:03 pm, Thinker wrote:
OK.. I am going to try apt again. I have downloaded and installed the rpm and I have replaced /etc/apt/sources.list with the following. < snip > rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/8.2-i386 suse-people base update-prpm update kde xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin suser-kpietrz suser-tcousin funktronics packman packman-i686 mantel-kernel kde3-stable security-prpm security
Is it safe to run apt-get update at this point? I know I am supposed to remove Ximain but I am not sure where it is.
Ximian should have been in sources.list, maybe it's no longer on the server? I'd remove suser-k and suser-t as well as mantel-kernel from sources.list. You should definitely remove mantel I don't think you need his kernels yet. then run apt-get update, or through synaptic. -- Franklin Maurer Using SuSE 8.2 Pro