On Sunday 29 October 2006 06:46, Scott Leighton wrote: Are you using kmail?
On Sunday 29 October 2006 3:38 am, Hylton Conacher(ZR1HPC) wrote:
Well, like Steve, I also want to implement a 'dynamic' signature file, so I have followed this thread with great interest.
Mike when I took your example and edited my signature file below is what I get. Howcome as I have made the file rwx by user hylton?
Tnx --
The 'obtain signature from' setting needs to be 'output of command' not 'file'.
-- Anno domini (AD) POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier http://popfile.sourceforge.net/ Linux x86_64 SuSE Linux 9.3 (x86-64)
-- SuSE Linux 10.1 ~ Kernel #1 ~ Kmail 1.9 ~ Registered Linux user: 412217 http://reillyblog.com 2:16pm up 18:04, 1 user, load average: 0.16, 0.27, 0.18