5 Jun
5 Jun
Who knows a sulution for my problem, I have a wisecom 56K v90 internal modem wich is connected to COM 5 Does someone knows how to configure this in Linux Or do I have connect it with my ISDN bri 16.3 wich is standing on COM 3 I have a multimedia system with a ati videocard and TV card also a Soundblaster PCI64 witch is also giving some problems Anton </PRE> <PRE> begin:vcard n:Raamsdonk;A.F.M. van tel;cell:06-22948310 tel;fax:0186-623842 tel;work:0186-624303 x-mozilla-html:TRUE url:www.ind.nl/mba org:Mercy Byte Automatisering version:2.1 email;internet:mba@ind.nl adr;quoted-printable:;;Metsustraat 26=0D=0A;3262 RG Oud - Beijerland;;;Nederland fn:A.F.M. van Raamsdonk end:vcard