On 4/26/05, Anders Johansson <andjoh@rydsbo.net> wrote:
I wonder if perhaps this isn't a suseplugger problem but a systray problem [...] systray. And suseplugger was developed as a KDE program. The two systrays are supposed to be compatible, but maybe there is some subtle difference that causes this
Have you tried it in KDE? Do you see the same behaviour there?
Good news! 5 minutes ago I updated the system through YOU (the icon became just read as I was reading Anders' post): the package gnome-filesystem has been updated (to gnome-filesystem-0.1-211.4.i586.patch.rpm) and after multiple reboots, log in/outs, etc.. it SEEMS that the issue is solved. BTW this package was among those that the guy on the mentioned SUSE forum identified as potential causes of this instability. I'll let you know if the problem pops up again, but as of know the mighty SUSE seems to have solved the issue. And yes, it definitely looked like a gnome problem and not a suseplugger one. Thanks to all those who replied, Luca.