houghi schrieb:
On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 10:39:59AM +0200, houghi wrote:
For those who do not read opensuse-factory:
makeSUSEdvd seems to have a problem when adding CD 6 or additional sources with the -a option. When you just use CD 1-5, all should be well.
What I get is not an error with makeSUSEdvd, as it does what it should do. I can just not install, because after the boot and language choice, it asks to enter a specific CD.
Working on it.
I have put version 27 online. The version worked for me. I have one person who tells it did not work for him. So if people would test it in a virtual manager, like vmware or parellels, I would be gratefull. https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=146800
hey houghi, I didn't have had the time yesterday to test it out, but now there was the time. the problem is lost, the script is working and the cataloge will be "created" or "inserted" correctly, no more asking for CD1 :) thanks again for your work, best regards, Tom aka JBScout