Our local LUG is having a panel presentation (friendly debate) on SuSE vs. RH vs. BSD. I've been volunteered to be the SuSE presenter. I feel I've got good ammunition regarding SuSE's strong points and BSD's weak points, all based on personal experiences. But I really have next to no experience with RedHat. So, I'm looking for technical areas where I can contrast SuSE against RH. If anyone has migrated from RH to SuSE, it would be nice to know what drove that decision for example (movement in the opposite direction is also of interest!). If your response would help other SuSE users, please reply to the list. If your response is truly OT for this list, feel free to reply to my email address directly. Thanks! Mark -- _________________________________________________________ A Message From... L. Mark Stone Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC "We manage your network so you can manage your business." 477 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101 Tel: (207) 772-5678 Web: http://www.rnome.com